How Python Integrates with Other Technologies and Third Party Providers?

The world’s top software companies like Facebook, Google, Quora, Instagram, Spotify-all are using Python as their core technology.  Out of so many choices given for programming languages, choosing the one best as per the requirement of the project and for the expected results is a challenge. Starting from everyday coding to bringing out the best, […]

Updated 14 March 2024

Chandrapal Singh
Chandrapal Singh

Director at Appventurez

The world’s top software companies like Facebook, Google, Quora, Instagram, Spotify-all are using Python as their core technology. 

Out of so many choices given for programming languages, choosing the one best as per the requirement of the project and for the expected results is a challenge. Starting from everyday coding to bringing out the best, one programming language choice has to be made for effective results. 

Among all the major programming languages, Python is seen as the best for getting the desired results. 

Looking at all the parameters of it, integrating it with other technologies and third-party providers is still required to be answered. Thus, keeping this thought in mind here is the blog explaining how Python integrates with other technologies and third-party providers. 

To get started with how Python integrates with other technologies and third-party providers, let us first know a few things about Python.

Brief Description of Python- What is Python?

Also known as the “Glue language”, Python is one of the most interpreted programming languages that emphasizes code readability. It is called glue language as it is easy to integrate it with its other components.

Due to this functionality, Python is considered the right fit for the coming and existing trends in the software development industry. 

Moving on to the app development world, Python is considered the top choice for a variety of systems, technologies, and existing databases. 

With the background ready, let’s now move to the crucial aspects of the blog beginning with- 

Advantages Of Python Programming Language

  1. Easy to Read, Learn & Write
  2. Improved Productivity
  3. Interpreted Language
  4. Dynamically Typed
  5. Free and Open-Source
  6. Libraries Support
  7. Portability 

Easy to Read, Learn & Write

One of the very first advantages of Python Programming language is its English-like syntax. The syntax thus makes it easy to reach and understand the code. 

The Python programming language is easy to pick up and learn making it the most recommended and used language for beginners and for developers. 

When using the programming language, developers working in a Python app development company are required to use fewer lines of code for performing the same task as compared to other languages like Java, C, or C++.

Improved Productivity

Python programming language is said to be the most productive language as compared to others. Also, because of the simplicity and ease it carries, developers can use the language for solving problems.

As the syntax it carries is also simple, developers tend to spend less time understanding the language while accessing write less and getting more features.

Interpreted Language

The next advantage of Python is that it is also an interpreted language that helps in directly executing the code line by line. Also, if any error occurs, the language stops execution and reports back the error.

Python showcases various errors as one error making debugging easier. 

Dynamically Typed

Until the code is ready for run, Python doesn’t know the type of variable. The programming language simply assigns the data type during execution, easing the task of the programmer to declare variables and the data types. 

Free & Open Source

As Python comes under the umbrella of an OSI-approved open-source license, thus, it is free to distribute and use. Developers can download the source code, and modify it along with the option of distributing versions of Python. 

Libraries Support

As the library of Python is huge, finding all the functions for the task is possible. The standard library makes it good for the developers to not depend upon external libraries. 


Programming languages like C and C++ require one to change the code for running programs on different platforms. This is not the condition with Python where developers are made to write once and run it anywhere. 

How Does Python Integrate With Other Technologies?

Due to native support for C along with providing a solution for integrating it with other languages like Java, C++, Go, Rust, etc.. As mentioned earlier, the best feature of the language is its “glue language”. 

Also, instead of rebuilding the existing technologies and system from the beginning, Python app development uses Python’s REST API or FFI (Foreign Language Interface) to bind them together. 

Other than that, Python has the ability to integrate with the existing technologies so that two teams can work parallel on the same project. Through it, both the team can work in their ways, along with using the language and technologies they are most familiar and comfortable with. 

Apart from that, if a business has its own in-house application developed in Python and wants to bring it to other languages like Rust or C++ for modules where these languages are best suited, Python can simply join them together without the need to develop a large codebase.

Understanding how Python integrates with other technologies, it is now the time to understand how Python integrates with third-party providers too!

How Does Python Integrate With Third-Party Providers?

Python with improved versions has the capability to handle a lot of different third-party products with ease.

Moving on, in several cases, there are chances that Python app development requires integration with third-party products or companies to access the functionality they have!

Also, for an app developer, adding this coding from the beginning can be costly and time-consuming, and a little less accessible as compared to established services like PayPal. Not to forget that some sort of restrictions and risks are also associated with such features. 

To my amazement, these services often come with APIs that can be integrated into the app using Python. Moving on, using the already existing service via API costs less for businesses along with taking less time and little risk as compared to solutions made in-house. 

With Python app development, incorporating features from third-party providers is a little simpler.

How Does Python Integrate With Databases?

There are businesses that do not start from scratch as they have information about the market, customer lists, invoices from previous customers, and other related information that can help them establish a business and serve the purpose.

This information is further stored in existing databases that can be further assessed for various purposes. 

What happens when businesses integrate existing databases with a new app or project?

Integrating existing database information simply means that you will be re-entering data manually. This results in taking more hours to complete the task while showcasing the chances of more errors. 

To eliminate such issues, Python comes as a rescue due to its wide range of robust and stable grab-and-use libraries.

Python programming language for simple and accessible solution

Python is simple and provides accessible solutions for integration as compared to relational database tools like Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite which presents information in rows and table forms or non-relational databases like MongoDB which stores data as a series of JSON files.

All these support developers and businesses to come up with the data along with modifying, storing, or deleting existing data as per the requirement. When it comes to Python, the programming language pulls metrics from the existing data making the Python programming language interface easier as compared to working with the raw database. 

What About Creating New Databases With Python

Integrating Python into the new database is far easier than integrating the programming language to the existing one. A business can take leverage of it if they want to track new metrics that are not present in the existing database. 

Python database table structure speeds up the development process in a simple and straightforward manner whereas tools like Django Framework with Django ORM take care of all the interactions with the database. This overall results in cutting short the workload along with speeding up the development pipeline. 

Moving on, Python’s effortless integration with existing and new databases helps businesses and developers speed up their development pipeline while reducing overhead. Also, using Python’s libraries makes the apps virtually immune and strong to common database attacks. 

Who Can Benefit From Python’s Integration With Technology, Databases, And Third-Party Providers?

  1. Any person or business that wants fast, secure, easy, and robust app development
  2. Any app developer who is willing to utilize third-party functionality 
  3. Any developer who is concerned about the development pipeline speed or the security part of the product
  4. Any company that is developing a product for the market using existing databases, technologies, or another complex system
  5. Enterprises that want to take advantage of Python’s ability to “glue” together disparate technologies while streamlining extant databases

Getting the idea about Python and its integration with other technologies and third-party providers, it is time to look at the top companies that have chosen Python for their work processes. 

Top Software Companies That Are Using Python

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Spotify
  • Quora
  • Netflix
  • Dropbox
  • Reddit
  • Industrial Light and Magic

If you still have a doubt regarding Python and how Python integrates with other technologies and third-party providers, we have experts who can help you with your queries. Connect with us today!

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    Chandrapal Singh
    Chandrapal Singh

    Director at Appventurez

    Director and one of the Co-founders at Appventurez, Chandrapal Singh has 10+ years of experience in iOS app development. He captains client coordination and product delivery management. He also prepares preemptive requisites and guides the team for any possible issues on a given project.